mendelson Product Consulting

mendelson Product Consulting services are provided by mendelson's expert product engineers, who can assist you with in-depth product support inquiries, file creation services, pre-sales consulting engagements, and more.

If your support requirements fall outside those provided by the standard Support and Maintenance Package, or if you require pre-sales support, mendelson Product Consulting services can help. Unlike other expensive, complicated consulting services, mendelson Product Consulting enables you to utilize mendelson's expert engineers for a few hours to help you solve a problem. mendelson Product Consulting services are sold per hour, the allotment of which is agreed upon in advance, so there are no surprises.

Includes Services

mendelson's Product Consulting engineers are experts on mendelson software and related technologies. Depending on the nature of your request, mendelson Product Consulting services can provide:

  • Focused, in-depth product support for projects involving mendelson products
  • File creation services
  • Reactivation of products
  • Remote support
  • Telephone support in English or German
  • Pre-sales consulting

Book mendelson Product Consulting Now

To determine if mendelson Product Consulting is applicable to your problem, please enter your project requirements or product evaluation questions in our Contact Form, and a mendelson Product Consulting engineer will reply to your inquiry to determine the next steps.

Additional Information

Upon completion of your mendelson Product Consulting engagement, you will be invoiced based on the time you pre-authorized. If your project is completed sooner, you will only be billed for the hours used.

Please note: mendelson Product Consulting engineers will make every effort to solve your problem using mendelson tools in the allotted time that you specify. However, there is no guarantee that your particular problem will be resolved within that time frame. Of course, additional time can be purchased should it be needed. While mendelson Product Consulting engineers will do their best to achieve success, we cannot guarantee a successful resolution of your problem. In case of failure, only those hours that were required to attempt to find a solution will be billed. Please refer to the mendelson Product Consulting Agreement for complete details.